About Me

For years I dealt with digestive symptoms and anxiety. For one reason or another I could not link that coffee and bagels could affect how I felt. Then why do so many people eat them and they are fine?

I was fine too. My symptoms weren’t severe, nothing that would send me to the emergency. I was just tolerating daily bloat, upset stomach, the feeling of fullness in my abdomen, and sluggish energy. I was ridden with anxiety, but wasn’t that a part of adulthood? Nobody told me that those symptoms were not normal.

Other things like work, career, and relationships were more important at the time, so I learned to live with the daily discomfort.

Until the symptoms started becoming more and more unpleasant. The pains and cramps started interfering with my life, and I sought professional help. Doctors wanted to do many tests and prescribe me medication and as a nurse, I knew that the side effects of those pills would affect my focus and alertness, and I never took them.

Interestingly none of those doctors who were gastrologists spoke to me about my diet. I decided to look for holistic practitioners. During my 1st session of holistic healing, I realized that the foods I was eating had a detrimental effect on me.

I swapped coffee for green tea and bagels for omelets with vegetables. Green tea reduced the inflammation I had in my body, almost immediately I felt better and started cooking my own food from wholesome ingredients. Do I still drink coffee? Yes, I sure do, I love the morning ritual, but I take frequent weekly breaks without coffee. I learned to manage my body as I got to know my body better. I started living with the seasons of nature. I noticed that so many people are disconnected from their bodies, as I was in earlier years. As I started meditating and connecting with my body on a deeper level. My anxiety reduced as I started enriching my foods with herbs, spices, and seasonal produce.

Next, I observed that household products like detergents and cleaners had toxicity and affected my breathing and well-being. It was when my evolution skyrocketed. I started using only green and pure products. My body didn’t have to process excess toxins in my environment and could focus on healing and cultivating consciousness.

What we ingest, how we live, and what we think has an immense effect on our bodies. I am passionate about healing and sharing information with my clients on how they can change their lives forever by eating wholesome foods and applying ancient techniques for relaxation.

Feeling fine just doesn’t cut it, we want to feel strong, resilient, and wonderful!

Po Polsku ยป